
Friday, March 9, 2012

The Reality of Moving

This past month has been a whirlwind of sorts. I was always coming and going and working and stressing. I've been absent and I swore this blog wouldn't be this way. But that's life. I can't promise posts.  I worked a lot in February. I can't remember many days off in a row, except for that one long weekend spent on a cruise to Mexico with my family and their coworkers. That was a serious blessing. Overall, I'm thankful for the tired nights and feeling over worked because it was worth it when Rachel came into town last Saturday.

I could go into a whole spiel about how awesome Rachel is and how excited I was to finally meet her, but that will come in the next few days. (Plus you can find that on every other social networking site that I'm on!) It will be awesome to talk about someone that I first connected with through our posts on Blogger.

I've chosen to come back to my blog mostly because right now, I don't know how to effectively communicate my feelings to anyone else. For me, words have always flowed easiest from pen to notebook and keyboard to screen. I'm 20. I don't know very many others my age still in the predicament of living at home. There are some blessings to it, there really are: not having to spend AS much money on food, no rent, no utilities, someone to do your laundry, a fairly well stocked pantry/fridge etc. But I always imagined the next time I moved it would be into an apartment with a roommate or even on my own. My mom's decision to buy a new house came to me as a shock and honestly I was stunned. I've lived in this same house since the summer before my freshman year of high school. Don't get me wrong, I love this house, but it's just the fact that I'll be 21 in 3 months from tomorrow and instead of moving out on my own, we're just moving out.

I've sort of resisted the whole idea. Every time we went to see houses, I was uninterested and complained most of the time. I don't know why I thought that if I pouted enough, she would decide otherwise. How mature of me... I have yet to actually see the house she is purchasing because quite frankly, I'm trying to pretend like it isn't a reality. But it really really is. They took pictures of my furniture today to sell and we're having a garage sale next weekend. I'm trying to embrace it, but I'm struggling. I'm hoping through blogging about it that I will find the positive in all of this and maybe even find some excitement? Ha, one can dream right?

xx - Dan

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